Sleep hygiene is the practice of good habits that help ensure high quality slumber. This particular list had been brought to you by an extremely fickle sleeper (yours truly!) who has successfully incorporated all the following tips and tricks to help ensure a restful night’s sleep. I used to have a terrible time both falling and staying asleep. Noises, spinning thoughts, and late night jolts of energy would disturb my rest and make for a lackluster day.
The basic must-dos are included, along with extra self care tips for the ultimate guide to a luxurious, sleep-promoting routine that's sure to relax soothe and send you off to dreamland bliss.
1. Daytime exercise
Working out regularly is strongly associated with a decrease in symptoms associated with insomnia, such as anxiety and depression. Additionally, participating in physical activity later in the day promotes a post-exercise drop in body temperature which has been shown to promote falling asleep.
2. Establish a routine
Going to sleep at the same time every night, along with a consistent bedtime routine such as reading a book, stretching, skin care, or meditation--helps acclimate your body into “sleep mode”. Routines help you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Ensure that your bedtime is at least 8 hours before your AM alarm.
3. Bedtime Snack
Your last big meal should be eaten 2-3 hours before bed. However, many like to noosh on a night late-snack. Keep the snack small, low in sugar, and high in protein and fats. Good options to keep you satisfied throughout the night include nuts, avocados, and hummus and carrots.
4. Eliminating stimulants close to bedtime
Nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar should be limited before bed.
- Everyone has their own unique response to caffeine, but a general rule is to stop consumption after 4pm.
-Eating sugary foods before bed can spike blood sugar and can leave you hungry in the middle of the night, and restless.
-Alcohol may help some people fall asleep, but it doesn’t lead to the best kind of rest. It’s been shown in studies to decrease REM sleep, a stage of sleep that is essential for cognitive functioning. Inadequate amounts of REM sleep can lead to drowsiness, poor concentration and brain fog.
5. Digital curfew
Using electronics before bed can act as both physiological and psychological stimulants. The blue light electronic devices give off inhibits the production of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone. Limiting exposure to screens, and spending at least an hour before bed without them, is ideal. And that doesn’t mean stay up later!
6. Expose yourself to daylight upon waking
Daylight is a major source of blue light. Exposure right upon waking helps regulate the circadian rhythm by shutting off sleep hormones which keep you alert and awake. So as soon as you wake up, open the curtains! The sun will help wake you up!
7. Drinking (at least) 8 oz of water upon waking
Leaving a glass of water near your bed and drinking the whole thing when you wake up helps kickstart your metabolism, and it hydrates after a long slumber. Making this a daily habit will help you increase your morning alertness, flush out toxins, and even eat less.
8. Use Airplane Mode
If you use your phone as an alarm clock--and most of us do--be sure to turn on airplane mode at night. This limits exposure to possibly harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) radiation. I recommend using airplane mode whenever possible, and headphones while talking on the phone, to further reduce exposure.
9. Clean Room
Clean your room! A cluttered space can lead to cluttered thoughts before bed.
10. Cool Room
According to The Sleep Foundation your thermostat should be set 60 to 67 for ideal sleep.You don’t want to wake up sweaty!
11. Dark Room
Your body sleeps best in a dark room. Blackout curtains or eye masks help keep an ideal sleep environment.
12. Use an alarm clock
Using an alarm clock allows you to leave your phone in the other room! This helps enforce a digital curfew. Remember to put batteries in there, so you don’t sleep through it!
13. Blue light-blocking glasses
If limiting exposure to electronics is not possible, I recommend fashioning some cool blue light-blocking glasses to wear in that hour before bed! There are lots of inexpensive options available on amazon.
14. Essential Oil Diffuser
Diffusing lavender can help soothe and relax your mind and body before bed.
15. Air Purifier
Breathing fresh air can help you sleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. A good quality air purifier reduces allergens that can keep you awake throughout the night. Certain air purifying plants such as Lady Palm and Variegated Snake Plant also help to keep the air clean
16. White Noise Machine
For those who live in noisy neighborhoods, or have an erratic boiler, a white noise machine can help drown out sleep disturbances contributing to a calming sleep environment. There are also many sleep apps that provide white noise and calming music.
17. Weighted Blanket
Weighted blankets help calm the nervous system by providing gentle pressure similar to that of a hug! According to The National Sleep Foundation they are likely to increase the feel good neurotransmitter serotonin, reduce anxiety and decrease restlessness.
18. Guided Meditations
There are countless apps and youtube videos of guided meditations that can help quiet the mind before going to bed. A regular mediation practice has been shown to improve sleep quality.
19. Gratitude list
There is quite a lot of science backing up the physiological benefits of gratitude. Making a list of five things you are grateful for daily--a list that’s maybe something worth reciting before bed-- leads to increased emotional well-being which leads to better quality sleep.
20. Natural Sleep Aids
Natural sleep aids are a great option for extra help falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. Some of my favorites include tart cherry juice, L-theanine, GABA, valerian root, passion flower, glycine and magnesium.